About Kristalia


Italian company Kristalia is founded by a group of young jazz fans whom decided to bring rhythm in design innovation. At the outset of the 21st century the company made the history of extending tables. In the second decade of the century Kristalia became one of the design firms that particularly attracted designers. A few years ago it also opened up to the world of hospitality contract supplies.


Kristalia has an in-house studio with a team of creative professionals from the graphics and marketing sector, specialized in using cutting-edge tools, to convey the values that distinguish each individual product in the best possible way. They make photo and video shoots, from prototype stage to the arrival of the finished products, to communicate experiences, new features and strategies in real time on the Web.


As an Italian manufacturer, Kristalia is a good example of what is called “high-end industrial craftsmanship”, since they combine manual skills with standard production, the concept of highly specialized workers with mechanical production, and efficiency with slow production. They also strive to minimize the environmental impact of all their activities, from production processes to services.


Tables, chairs, bookcases and all other Kristalia furnishing elements and accessories are designed and made with maximum quality and durability. They are made to be long lasting and resistant to physical and environmental stress, even extreme.

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